Our Approach

We view every project as an opportunity. An opportunity to produce something truly great and inspiring, no matter how big or small the production. Be it a full documentary, TV commercial, social media campaign or corporate film we approach every project with energy and enthusiasm.

Nailing the brief

It all starts here. Developing an exciting, workable brief is the first, vital step in producing a great piece of work. Some clients come to us with a clear vision of what they want to achieve. Others simply know that their message will be best communicated in a great piece of film. Whatever the case, getting to the nub of the real story is where we excel. We’ll ask a lot of questions and listen intently. Understanding your aims and objectives, the challenges you face, what you want to say, and who you want to say it to will enable us to create a clear, inspiring brief that will underpin everything we do.

Creating a narrative

With a clear, agreed brief in hand, we can begin to think about how we will best tell your story. This is where our journalistic background comes into its own enabling us to shape the brief into a coherent narrative structure, one that will ensure your audience is fully engaged and your message communicated with intent. Here, we will consider the film scene by scene, frame by frame, cut by cut, drafting scripts, develop storylines and storyboarding creative treatments along the way.

Making it move

More than moving images, it’s about moving people. Eliciting an emotional response and moving your audience to action, whatever that may be. This is what film does better than any other visual medium. But doing it well is an art. It requires a connection with the subject matter, an empathy with people and context, and the skill to recognise and capture those fleeting moments of truth on camera. It’s then about bringing it all together in a powerful, compelling edit. At Paper Films, this is our passion and our expertise - telling stories that makes things happen.

Our Experience

We have worked across a broad spectrum of market sectors for an equally diverse range of B2B and B2C businesses and brands.

Our Services

Paper Films is a full-service film and documentary production company. We provide pre-to-post production services to clients of all shapes and sizes for projects of all scales and subject matter.


This is where we create the vision for your project, plan and cost its production and secure all the resources required to deliver it. Pre-production is a blend of creative development, project management and logistics. It requires an integrated range of skill sets and solid teamwork. With decades of experience making a diverse range of films across an equally broad range of sectors, we are well equipped to realise your vision and deliver it on time and in budget. Pre-Production can include all, or a combination of:

  • Briefing
  • Background & Research
  • Script Writing & Storyboarding
  • Casting & Location Sourcing
  • Script Writing & Storyboarding
  • Crew & Equipment
  • Project Costing
  • Production Schedule


The production phase is where we shoot all the footage for your film and start to bring the vision to life. It’s where all the planning and preparation of the pre-production stage comes into its own ensuring filming happens on time, in budget, on brief and on script. With a long history of making films of all scales and subject matter, we know how to run and manage a production efficiently. Failure to do so can result in spiralling costs, unwanted delays and a compromised end result.


As they say, it’s all in the edit. This where we bring all of the footage together and begin to shape the narrative and tell the story. Post-production can involve a single editor or a whole team of people each with specific skills. Whatever the requirement of the production, Paperfilms has a resource of exceptionally talented and skilled partners who we commission as and when needed to give you the best possible result at the best possible cost. Post-Production can include all, or a combination of:

  • Editing
  • Visual Effects & Animations
  • Sound Design & Editing
  • Colour Grading

Ready to tell your story?

Discover how we have helped our clients tell their stories and achieve their goals.