Northstowe Neighbours

Once complete, Northstowe is set to become one of the UK’s largest new towns. Located 20 minutes from Cambridge City, over the next two decades the former RAF airfield site will be transformed into a thriving town of 10,000 new homes, schools, parks and facilities to accommodate an anticipated community of 25,000 people.

Commissioned by Homes England and Northstowe Arts, the film sought to capture the lives, hopes and aspirations of the first cohort of residents setting up home in the first phase of the development. Shares the vibrant spirit of the town and stories of some of the people shaping its identity, the film highlights the strong sense of community and belonging that is already defining the town in the early years of development.

“Very cool film. They delivered exactly what they said they would and made us look like heroes too! Our CEO’s first response when he saw that video was ‘Wow, that’s genius’, and the video received excellent feedback.”

Dan Anderson

Founder, Fourth Street

“They were under an extremely tight deadline, yet they went above and beyond without sacrificing the output's quality. The end result was really very powerful.”

David Smith-Milne

Chief Executive, Place Capital Group

“We were delighted with their professional and no-nonsense approach which matched their creativity. We briefed them on a Monday morning via Zoom and they came back to us with a script in a few days which after a bit of tweaking was really succinct and hit the right tone of voice for our clients.”

Andrew Spinoza

Director, Best Practice Comms

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