Protecting Your Data

At Paper Films, we take your privacy seriously. Learn how we protect your data.


You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing any personal information. Where you voluntarily provide personal information, we will only use that information to communicate with you regarding our services. Paper Films’ Website users are never asked for their name, email address and phone number.

Paper Films complies with the GDPR policy and respects your rights to have access to your personal data, or to have it erased or corrected if it is inaccurate.


Paper Films will only use your personal data, specifically those of its clients as necessary to perform our contract with you, to contact you and as necessary for accounting, managing and auditing our business operations.


All photos or recordings, and other personal data will be kept securely to protect against unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information.


We will not sell, or allow third parties access to your information.

We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so or if you violate our Terms and Conditions. Subject to applicable data protection law, Paper Films may share your personal data with sub-contractors and other persons who help us provide our service to you, legal and other professional advisors, Government bodies and agencies in the UK and overseas, or anyone else where you have given your consent or as required by law.


Images of individuals, whether in still photographs or video images, will often be caught by the definition of personal data in the Data Protection Act 1998. In many cases consent from the individuals will need to be obtained in order to process (capture and use) the images fairly and lawfully.

Consent will be obtained from people whose image is the focus of the photograph or film.

We will obtain a signed permission from individuals who are the main feature of a video or photograph, or from members of the public whose image/face, whether by intent or accident appear as clearly identifiable and recognisable in our outputs.

Filming of Children – Parental consent

Child means anyone under the age of 16. The age at which a child can give their own consent under the GDPR, is 16 years

However, it is only lawful to process the personal data (including filming and photography) of a child under the age of 13 upon receipt of consent from the child’s parent or legal custodian.

Parental or custodial consent is required if/when Paper Films is a provider of online content/films/photography to children, defined as being under the age of 16.


When filming in public areas or a large group of people it is not necessary to get the consent of people whose image is captured incidentally in the background.

Paper Films and/or the client will display a warning notice to flag up that photography or filming is going to be taking place so that any individuals who wish to opt out may leave or move to an area where they will not be filmed. Additionally, when filming conference events attended bylarge numbers of people we will always encourage the speaker to alert attendees and the audience that the event is being filmed and their image may appear as cutaway in the subsequent film or photography post-event.


An individual captured in an image can withdraw their consent even after having signed the consent form. Any such withdrawal should be in writing. Where an individual attending a large conference event – and who has not signed a consent form – does appear in a subsequent film or photography and wishes to have their image removed, Paper Films will perform an edit to remove their image.

Once consent is withdrawn, Paper Films cannot use the relevant images again, but it will not normally be possible to recall the media productions in which their image has already appeared or been published.


Photographs, film, sound recordings and still images are all protected by copyright. Paper Films is the owner of copyright in recordings it makes but our clients own copyright in their scholarly output and this includes the underlying presentation materials (such as PowerPoint slides) and the content of their dialogue (when fixed by a recording). Paper Films has the automatic right to use those copyright works for its legitimate purposes.

We will endeavour to ensure as best we can that any third party material captured in the course of filming or photography does not breach copyright. In this regard our clients must also be satisfied that Paper Films is permitted to use such material captured in film or photography for the purposes of communicating marketing or other objectives.

In terms of GDPR, Paper Films’ clients have a responsibility to obtain permissions from companies, organisations and individuals prior to filming and photography taking place and alerting the necessary parties taking part. Individuals in locations will be given the right to be excluded from the image capturing (filming and photography) process and Paper Films will always respect the individual’s right to be excluded.